Assalamualaikum and hi there! It has been quite a long time
since I didn’t update my blog, right? Sorry. Well, I didn’t know why but I’m just getting
lazy to write up on my blog nowadays. So much. Somehow I want to write
something up on my blog, but… yeah. It was like, no determination, no spirit. I guess you
can say that. Not sure if that was the correct word to use though. But now, I'm trying to make my blog more updated. Maybe at least once a week. Okay la tu kan.. hehe.
So anyway, today I just want to share with you guys a book/novel that was really interesting. A must-read novel. If not, how can this novel became one of the bestseller novel, right? And I guess
who knew Dr Beni and read his book, they may find this novel was intriguing and
has a very nice story. Let’s begin here!
The title of this book is ‘
BREATHE’, written by
Dr Beni
Rusani, a cardiologist at National Heart Institute, or so called IJN (Institut
Jantung Negara). He was pretty famous on social media especially Twitter, I
guess. You can say like, he was on the same level like Dr Khairul Hafidz. Well,
if you know him too la. No, no. Not same level, I mean. Its like, erm… yeah, in one
organization. One scope of field. Something like that. If you know, there is this thing in twitter
MedTweetMy which the members consist of doctors from various fields such
as cardiology itself, general med, dermatology, veterinary, neurosurgery and
much more. They tweet something that related to health with their knowledge of various specialist, in hope to spread something benefits to the people (ayat macam tunggang langgang hahaha).
Alright. The title would bring you to its content. And so
the language. Though it was written by a Malaysian doctor, and definitely can
speak Malay, but his Breathe novel was totally in English. Well, maybe you can
standby a dictionary beside you when reading this. Just kidding. The words that
he used were not that difficult to understand, but maybe a certain words (or
maybe it just me? But of course I’m not using dictionary. Hello… Just get
through it). Because I’m not someone who really good in English (though I’m
writing in English right now. There must be broken grammar somewhere I guess.
Don’t mind me huhu). And maybe that’s the reason why I’m writing this entry in
English. Haha.
And yeah, hopefully you are fully ready to read it since it
more like a… science novel? Kind of. Those who studied in science path you
might know those science words. And of course I’m not trying to say that those
who did not pursue their study in science path could not understand this, but
those who are maybe can understand much better. Like me, somehow I feel like I
can relate certain things to my course. Ahh, don’t mind me. It’s like, I’m
discouraging you not to read this. In fact, it is the opposite.
Okay, to the points of why I recommend you guys to read this
novel. This is not a novel only about breathe, but there’s more to it. Career,
love, friendship, health (definitely la kan). Oh, and maybe the life of a
doctor. Those who are dreaming to become a doctor, maybe you should read this. Maybe you can get some pictures about it. And maybe, you can get much motivated later. Maybe. Hehe.
Here a simple synopsis from ‘Breathe’ novel. (It’s on the
back of this book though)
‘Dr Adam is a
cardiologist who knows how to help others. The only thing he can’t fix is
himself. When a heart attack threatens his life, Adam is given a chance to look
at his past to rediscover the friendship and the love he lost. In his darkest
hours, friends and strangers are racing against time to save him. Yet, the key
to his survival and future might lie in his past.
All Adam wants is a
second chance. And, time is running out.’
The characters itself also make the story feels so alive. Like, kind of a true story. Oh, is it you Dr Beni, in the story as Dr Adam? I feels so. Oh and one of the character that made this novel looks alive is, Mad Doc. One of the famous doctor or character in the novel. Haha. It is his nickname that the doctors or people in the hospital called him. If you want to know why, well I guess you should buy and read it. Hehe.
So I guess you guys get some pictures about what this novel is
all about. It is really a good book to read, while having some coffee or hot
chocolate maybe. No doubt about it. Pretty nice time to fill out your leisure

Reading with a hot chocolate on your hand? Nice catch!
So I guess, that’s all. It just like a little bit intro about
this novel. Encouragement, recommendation to read this novel. Since this novel
was the
bestseller book, you should grab it whenever you passed through a
bookstore and see this novel. It sold out quite fast, I think. It was two books
left when I bought this novel after a quite long finding. I’m just lucky that I
got it this time and able to finish it. Wuhuu ! Feels good. So you should too!
Grab ‘Breathe’ one and read it up while having hot chocolate in front of the
sunny beach. Hey, just get some nice place to read it okay? Have a great day
then !

Don't forget to breathe!
~ π ~