Assalamualaikum Februarians semua! Ecehh haha. Anyway...
Which that INCLUDES ME TOO! Mine was just got passed, which was on the very 1st FEBRUARY. Well, Happy Belated Birthday to me. Muahahaha.
So, nothing much to say pun. Just hoping this year and the next years would be great and better. Semoga Allah juga mengampunkan segala dosa-dosa kita dan meredhai kehidupan kita semua. Semoga segala urusan kita akan dipermudahkan oleh Allah dan didekatkan kepada kita segala kebaikan serta jauh daripada segala keburukan. Semoga semuanya baik-baik saja. Insyaallah aminn.. 😊
Hey Februarians! You're special you know! Like me hehe 😉
I found this and I paste it on my entry because I think it suits me very well. Seriously. I think, I'm kind of this person. Sometimes, I can be such a sensitive person. Easily angry. Which both of them can happen even over such a small matter. I was happy when I saw this, because I think that there was also person like these instead of me. Lol.
And all I can say, not all people really know me very well. Not even my family, best friends. Because I'm not really open to people of what I'm feeling inside. Unless I want to share it with someone I trust or comfortable.
Okay, so enough sampai sini je. Sebab memang tak nak panjang-panjang pun. And, doakan kebaikan untuk aku dan keluarga aku eh. Hehe. Thank you so much for everything! To those yang kenal or tak kenal aku. So here, all the best in everything you do. Always be happy 😄