

12 January 2024

Hello 2024!

Heyyo gaiss!

Hehe lama gila tak jejak dan tak muncul kat sini en hehe. Malas is one thing, no topic is one thing, and working is one thing. Oh and drama-ing is one thing as well 😂

Anyway...... It's already 2024 now guys!! 🎊

Time really flies so fast.

So memandangkan dah agak lama aku tak berkunjung dan update post di sini, so biar aku cerita sedikit sebanyak kehidupan aku setakat ni. Ecehh.. Since 2021 and till now, 2024. 2 years ++ 😂

Tapi tulah, you know what, hari tu when I told this one person that I occasionally doing blogging he said this was like outdated lmao 😂 but right? Blogger actually macam orang tak guna sangat dah, orang more to wordpress I guess? Dan seangkatannya lah.

Anyway pass that.

Aku tak pernah cerita my first job, right? It was right after pandemic. Oh I mean, "still in the pandemic". Aku exactly habis belajar in 2020, which masa tu before sempat aku start my final year project (FYP) and masa tu barang semua siap prepare dah (we had research grant btw), TUP! MCO geng! Hahahahaha. Terus everything final year jadi online segalanya. Projek semua ditukar kepada writing thesis ONLY. So I was finishing my final year around July or August 2020 but anyway I was extending because of my journal publication. My exact study is done, just for journal publication of my final year project, under guidance of my supervisor. Sumpah renyah, penat, gigih aku siapkan journal aku untuk submit for publication. Naik juling mata aku baca and ulang the process to make sure all the information and data were correct. Data collection, data research, writing thesis, proofread (for million timessss), and moree, but I don't remember what the term anymore hahaha.

But anyway, in May 2021 my article was finally published on the Science Journal for real! Alhamdulillah...

Okay, next! And alhamdulillah juga, in end of June I was finally got on a job! After almost a year (I think?) I'm struggling in finding a job. Okay tolak tambah aku siapkan journal tu so maybe dalam 6 bulan? Not to mention in the midst of covid pandemic, its was much harder. Also not to mention, I was once diterima dan kemudian juga dibatalkan tawaran sebab ada isu... But anyway! Alhamdulillah la ni dapat. And at that time, I move out to Kuala Lumpur ALONE. I mean ramai je selalu pindah seorang tapi biasanya parents and family aku selalu ikut tolong pindah. Masa tu pandemic still going on and our country was still in MCO. Oh by the way,  I got the job in lab in a government hospital (but under private company), as what like I've been studying.

First few months, of course it was quite tough but okay la. And without realizing I worked there for almost 2 years! And then I quit. 😂

To be honest, the environment was very okay because the colleagues and the other staffs there were so kind and friendly. Tapi biasa la, the workload is high and underpaid. Orang kerja technical aka hands-on work memang begini laa. But overall okay je, just the management.  Macam biasa, management kekadang always the problem hahahaha.

And then I change jobs for few times and now I'm working in another lab of another company. The basic salary rise a bit from previous so okay la. Not including the oncall, overtime. But the environment a bit..... em I  dont know. Biasa jela, maybe baru lagi kot. But so far just okay. The colleagues just kind and good. The sample workload is not as much as previous but there were quite trivial and few things we need to manage.

I just hope okay jela, just endure it for some time. And if ever encounter a better opportunity,  hope dapat and much better.

Aku pun tak nak tulis banyak because it might be boring hahaha but more stories to tell though, I guess. Hehehehe.

Oh yaaaaaaa wehhh I've got story to tell!!! But I'll save that for later hehehe excited! But it was korean things so hehe. Anyway later.

Till we meet again. Sampai ketemu lagi dalam post akan datang. Insya Allah. 

Thank you for reading! See ya! 😄

25 July 2021

Skincare Review: Some By Mi Galactomyces Vitamin C Line (Cleanser & Serum)

Salam dan hai semua!

Harap semua sihat belaka ye. Okay so hari ni aku nak buat review sikit tentang Some By Mi Galactomyces Vitamin C line, iaitu Cleaser Bar Soap dan Serum. Lama dah aku tak buat review so hari ni kita buat ye. Hehehe.

image: Some By Mi

So inilah dia Serum dan Cleanser Bar Soap daripada Galactomyces Vitamin C line (aku ambil gambar yang cantik sikit la as first pic hehe). By the way for your information, I had used these for awhile already past a year I guess... Baru hari ni nak post hahahaha. Also this is not paid review ye, it just my own thought of sharing :)

Here's mine! Aku beli dua ni je sebab nak try.

1. Cleanser Bar - Pure Vitamin C V10 (95g)

Fungsi Utama/Main Effect 🌟:
- Whitening
- Moisturizing
- Soothing
- Skin refreshing
- Strengthen the skins

Kandungan/Main Ingredients 🍊:

- Mengandungi Vitamin C Tulen yang tinggi (15, 000 ppm) dan juga 10 jenis multi-vitamin yang lain yang membantu untuk mencerahkan kulit
- Chamomile Flower extract membantu menenangkan kulit
- Glycerin semulajadi dan minyak Rosehip untuk melembapkan kulit
- Bahan tambahan sintetik yang tidak membahayakan dan sesuai untuk kulit sensitif

My review 💭:

Sepanjang aku pakai cleanser bar yang ni, okay jela. Nak kata cerah tu taktau la kot sebab aku tak tengok sangat, kadang tengok sama aje kulit aku ni 😂 Mungkin cerah la sikit rasanya, hahaha.Tapi kalau banding dengan Miracle line punya dengan V10 ni, aku suka lagi yang Miracle. Reason? Masa aku pakai Miracle tu boleh dikatakan 'SANGAT JARANG' ye jerawat aku keluar. Memang clean muka aku. Ecehh hahaha. Tapi time period ada la jugak tapi seketul kecik cenenot macam tu je. Yang V10 ni, okay jugak cuma jerawat tu kadang ada ajela muncul. Alhamdulillah la tak breakout pun cuma aku rasa tak berapa sesuai dengan kulit aku. Yang Miracle lagi kena dengan kulit aku.

Again, it's all depends on our own skin. Mine is just fine but the Miracle one fits me well more.

By the way, mungkin ada jugak yang fikir pakai cleanser jenis bar soap ni macam leceh ke apa ke kan. Well, mungkin sikit la tapi aku okay je. Dan memandangkan dia punya cleanser dia agak besar la macam sabun badan buku tu, so biasanya aku akan cut into small pieces untuk guna dan yang lebih belum guna tu kita simpan. So tak la semua basah habis kita pakai. Jimat pun ye kot.

Itu sahaja untuk Cleanser Bar. Next!

2. Serum - Galactomyces Pure Vitamin C Glow Serum

Fungsi Utama/Main Effect 🌟:
- Milk-White skin
- Glowing skin
- Long-lasting moisture
- Clearer skin
- Even and smooth skin texture
- Firm and animated skin

Kandungan Utama/Main Ingredients 🍊:
- 75% Galactomyces untuk mencerahkan dan menghaluskan tekstur kulit
- Vitamin C Tulen (30, 000 ppm)
- Penyerapan oleh 10 jenis liposomized vitamin untuk recharge semula kulit
- EWG Green Grade Soft Prescription yang akan exclude semua bahan yang boleh merengsakan kulit (irritate skin) dan akan meresap ke kulit dengan baik

My review 💭:

One of the best serum! Serius, aku suka gila pakai serum ni! 😍 Well, tolak tepi pasal kesan sebab takla ketara sangat kot kesan dia, tak tahu la aku yang tak nampak ke tak tahu ke kan hahaha. Apapun, antara sebab aku suka serum ni sebab tekstur dia. Sangat senang dan best la! Tekstur dia best sebab bila pakai tu takde rasa berminyak ke, sebab memang dia meresap terus ke kulit. Smooth je. Bau dia pun sedap je, macam bau Vitamin C la kan hehe.

Kalau aku jujur la kan, aku lagi prefer and suka serum yang VITAMIN C NI daripada yang Miracle line punya hehe. Jadi kiranya aku punya skincare ni macam bercampur sikit la tapi masih daripada jenama yang sama. Cuma jenis or line yang bercampur, iaitu Miracle dengan Vitamin C/ Galactomyces line. And just telling you, takde side effect yang buruk pun guna mix product/line, so far untuk aku la.

Okay, itu sahaja aku rasa untuk kali ni. Review ni saja je dan on another side jugak aku harap review ni dapat membantu kepada sesiapa yang memerlukan la. Okay ke tak produk ni kan.

Dan juga as usual a DISCLAIMER 📌:

This is not a paid review. And also the effect to every person may varies. So if you use it and it does irritate or does not suitable for you, you may stop using it. Our skin is different. Do consult to the expert, okay.

It may suits for me but it may not suits for you. So think and choose the best for your skin ❤️

Thank you for reading and let's meet again! ✨

24 June 2021

Where Is Dream...

Hi, we meet again! (after soooo long haha). So today's topic is DREAM 💭.

And so, what is dream? To be exact, what is YOUR dream?

For some people they have what they dreams of. What they want to be, what they want to do.

Everyone CAN dream, but not everyone HAVE a dream.

Well actually this dream topic that I want to bring up is more to the DREAM JOB. What is your dream job? But in time probably I will jump into any kind of dreams tho. Hehe.

Also the reason why this topic suddenly came out because of me. My dream. (kinda a sudden thought actually since I just got a job!)

If you ever asked me, what is my dream? I really can't answer straightly without thinking, or hesitate. Even if I give it a thought, I might cannot answer that. WHY?

Simple. I don't know what is my dream. I don't know what I want to do in my life. I don't know. End up I just pick up what I think I like or got the feel.

And if you ever asked me why I took this course, I don't know. I JUST........ take it. I just feel that this is good or interesting.

Remember when we were child, we were always being asked "What is your ambition?" "What do you want to be when you grow up?". Maybe most of us (or maybe just me), write the most popular and obvious one. Like doctor, pilot, teacher, police etc. That's including me. Even when I was in the high school, like in form 4/5, again with "what I want to be." And we need to decide for our mock interview.

Again, I don't know what I want to be. What I want to do. What I should be. What I am interested in.

Well of course I did have things that I like but you know. JUST like. And instead knowing what I want to do, I know well of what I DON'T want to do lol. For example I don't like physics so I don't want any related to physics. I don't want to be a doctor. Something like that.

Do you know what kind of job I took back then for the mock interview? GRAPHIC DESIGNER. Hahahaha I don't know why lol. Maybe that time I thought I have such 'talent', I am so 'creative' and good at 'editing', when the facts is that I'm kinda sucks at it. I don't know why of the sudden thought taking that. Or maybe because I thought I'm kinda an art person, a person who likes art (based from that personality test lol), maybe that's why.

I mean, look at how far the job path I took now. From art (?) to biomed/lab. (well not exactly from art since I'm not taking any art subject in school but just for that mock interview I mean)

But well yeah, I know there's LOT of people like me... They have different ambition at first but then end up the path they took was different. Even so in working. Not all people working in the same path they took when they study. Ah also, you know what... I almost thinking of taking the ACCOUNTING path, OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE MYSELF HAHAHAHA. I never took account subject during high school but suddenly wanna take accounting?? I don't even really like account tho, but hahaha I don't know.

That time, before SPM and even after SPM, I didn't know what path I should take. I don't have any dream of what I want to be.

And so, somehow I ended up taking Science path, particularly the healthcare. So here I am, taking the Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) path.

My dream? No, that was never be my dream. Or to be honest I don't know this job existed. Kinda. Probably the reason I taking this because I kinda like science especially biology (its interesting to learn about human you know), also maybe because I like lab, the hands-on testing and so on.

So being a MLT is not really my dream but probably it is now. Somehow I feel like I want to work in the healthcare society, because I thought that will be interesting and you can help people. Like doctor and nurse. Or I don't know... Maybe for unknown reason.

Well, that's for the DREAM JOB.

If you ask me any other dreams, of course I DO! I do know what I want and what I want to do now. Plus, in my situation where now I am a kpop fan I would say, so there's kinda lots of things I want to 😂. Buying the merchandise, the concert or fanmeeting ticket, the albums, the participate in fan donation, cupsleeve event, and some other things.

And also some other things that I want to do the MOST, other than kpop things, is to TRAVEL! Specifically overseas travel, and also specifically, countries like South Korea, Japan, Australia, China, and many more!

These all are basically what I'm thinking for MYSELF. It's nothing wrong for putting yourself first, right? 😊

That's why I need money bruh. And I need a job. To achieve these all. Unless I get married to a rich guy, hahahahaha!

Anyway, that's all I want to say I guess. I don't know what else to say, and plus I don't want to keep this entry so long.

Until we meet again, stay safe and healthy. Thank for your time and love~ 💕

💭 Dreaming is not wrong, so keep dreaming! Dreams all you can! 💭