

21 January 2018


Hello guys! Wuhuu I'm excited enough to write up this entry! Seriously! I just got to know this thing yesterday or today, tak ingat pulak tapi just previously. I read the email from Nuffnang and saw the title that already got me excited all the day!

Presented to you....


(click on the pic to read up the article)

Well, I'm super duper excited y'all !! Because this movie was already in my list for so long since the first and second movie, and I'm just waiting for the third one to come out. And finally, it will come out soon! Gila tak happy??! Siapa sama #TeamMazeRunner comment sikit! hehe

Plus, with the amazing actors and actresses, it will be such a great and worth movie to watch! They have Dylan O'Brien, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Kaya Scodelario, Ki Hong Lee, and many more! (I love Newt lol haha)

Before that, this is a brief on the synopsis of this movie:

In the epic finale to The Maze Runner Saga, Thomas leads his group of escaped Gladers on their final and most dangerous mission yet. To save their friends, they must break into the legendary last city, a WCKD controlled labyrinth that may turn out to be the deadliest maze of all. Anyone who makes it out alive will get the answers to the questions the Gladers have been asking since they first arrived in the maze. Will Thomas and the crew make it out alive? Or will Ava Paige get her way?
(cc: imdb)

Okay, so bersempena dengan the 3rd Maze Runner (the last one I think, according to the novel. I'd already read those novel though), we got some kind of contest to WIN the in-season tickets and also Maze Runner premium prizes!

There's still time to join because the contest ends on 24th January 2018, so come and let's join!

So in light of the movie’s upcoming release, we’re here to amp up the anticipation by giving out free in-season tickets to “Maze Runner: The Death Cure” and gorgeous, premium “Maze Runner: The Death Cure” movie merchandise to the lucky first 10 contestants! The only thing you have to do?

Take part in our fun and easy contest.

Here are the contest details:
  1. Fill in this Google form and answer quickly (and correctly!) to stand a chance to win more
  2. Share this post on your Facebook
  3. Follow 20th Century Fox on Facebook
  4. Follow Nuffnang on FB and IG
  5. We will notify the 10 contest winners via social media
  6. Contest ends on the 24th January

The 10 winners will receive:
  • 1 pair of in-season tickets each
  • “Maze Runner: The Death Cure” movie premium

(cc: nuffnang)

Don't you all get excited to get these prizes?! I'm already in!

And I'm pretty sure those who are the members of Nuffnang or ChurpChurp, you got the email on this. Have you join this? If not, come on and join this contest!

Hopefully I can win this because I'm seriously waiting anxiously and impatiently to watch this Maze Runner. I bet there must be so many people join this but, just try. Hoping the luck is on my side. Aminn.. 


Kalau takde rezeki, it's okay. Asal dapat tengok sudah la kan. Tapi kalau dapat those premium things, it's such a bonus! Please pray for me! Harap sangat dapat sebab I fanatik gila dengan cerita ni! Though I'm not remembering well of the actors hahaha. Oh but I like Thomas Brodie-Sangster, which is Newt. And of course lead actor, Thomas, in the movie lol.

Alright, so don't forget to watch Maze Runner: The Death Cure in the cinema soon!


(cc: youtube)

**Btw, korang team siapa? Saya #TeamThomas and #TeamNewt . (haha both are same team tho. ni saja je huhu. mana tau kot2 korang #TeamWicked lol)

10 January 2018

Drama MANDATORI [Astro First]

Image result for mandatori drama

Assalamualaikum and hi gais! Okay, so today aku amik cuti sekejap sebelum last paper aku Jumaat ni. Hahaha bukan cuti la, just ambil masa aku sikit untuk update kat blog aku ni.

Jadi, apa cerita kali ni? Haa, entri kali ni aku nak share tentang sebuah drama adaptasi daripada sebuah novel. Tapi! Bukan novel cinta okay! Hah ni adaptasi novel MANDATORI karya Ramlee Awang Murshid. Kalau yang pernah baca or minat gila dengan novel-novel Ramlee Awang Murshid ni, confirm korang tahu genre cerita dia macam mana kan? hehe. Sebab aku dah tengok sikit so nak share and ajak korang untuk tengok jugak la!

Drama MANDATORI ni bergenre crime thriller yang mempunyai 6 episod dan mula disiarkan pada 14 Disember 2017 (walaupun dah few weeks keluar, erm its okay nak ajak jugak haha.) Drama ni telah disiarkan di Astro First dengan pembelian hanya RM19.10 untuk SEMUA EPISOD!

Mesti nak tahu pelakon siapa kan? Antara pelakon yang membintangi drama ni adalah Aeril Zafrel, Alvin Wong, Siti Saleha, Iedil Putra, Vanidah Imran, dan ramai lagi pelakon-pelakon hebat! 

Image result for mandatori drama


Mandatori mengisahkan tentang seorang profiler jenayah, Inspektor Norman (Aeril Zafrel) yang menyiasat kes pembunuhan bersiri yang dilihat berkait rapat antara satu sama lain. Ia membuka kembali kes-kes jenayah yang berlaku beberapa tahun lalu. Lebih merumitkan apabila setiap siasatan yang dijalankan Norman akan membawanya kepada satu lagi pembunuhan baru.

Norman semakin keliru kerana seorang demi seorang yang dia kenal mati dibunuh dengan kejam dan pembunuh itu akan meninggalkan petunjuk sama iaitu patung mainan Inspektor Carlos dan kertas tulisan Case Closed yang mana ada ketikanya dijumpai dalam bahagian badan si mati.

Dalam kesibukan Norman menjalankan penyiasatan dengan rakan setugasnya, Detektif Chief Inspektor Kelvin Chan (lakonan Alvin Wong), beliau berkenalan dengan Julia Johari (lakonan Siti Saleha) yang merupakan anak kepada salah seorang ahli perniagaan berjaya dan pemilik Johari Corp, Tuan Johari (lakonan Datuk Ahmad Tarmimi Siregar) dan keluarga ini merupakan suspek utama kepada beberapa jenayah yang berlaku.

(cc:kosmo online)

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My Comment:

In my opinion, this drama was a killer! Haha. In other words, cerita ni memang best! Tak rugi korang tengok! And honestly, aku baru tengok episod 1 je hahaha itupun sebab free kat VOD. Walaupun baru episod 1, tapi awal cerita dia pun dah best kot.. Nak nak pula aku ni memang jenis yang suka cerita-cerita macam ni. Macam ala ala CSI tu kan. Kat Malaysia aku rasa this is the first one yang buat cerita macam ni. Cerita yang bukan senang nak buat, kena ada kajian mendalam dan agak rumit, cabaran yang pelbagai, masa, and also relating to real life. Ini baru REAL WEH! 👍👍 

Kalau tak asyik tengok yang dari negara luar je, macam Korea la yang aku selalu tengok hehe. Macam cerita Black, Doctors, banyak lagi la aku tak ingat huhu. Sebab most of these dramas they relate it to real life macam term-term penyakit, symptoms, laws, forensic works, macam-macam la. Hopefully lepas ni makin banyak la cerita bergenre macam ni :)

Oh and by the way, honestly aku tak pernah tahu pun wujud term 'profiler jenayah' ni sebenarnya. I never heard actually and I thought it refers to the criminal itself 😂 And now I know (because my mom told me lol. She also joined me when I watched this first episode and she gave me a GREEN LIGHT TO BUY THE DRAMA THOUGH HAHA. I'm blessed). Plus, I like how Aeril brought his character into 'live'. He's such a very good actor! Good job Aeril! 👍 Keep it up for the next Mandatori 2, maybe? haha.

So, korang pun yang belum tengok PATUT TENGOK DRAMA MANDATORI ni! Even aku pun nak sambung tengok next episod yang aku tak sempat tengok sebab TENGAH FINAL! 😭 Luckily tinggal satu paper je lagi and I'm going home!

Jangan lupa okay tengok cerita MANDATORI ni! 😉

Good job MANDATORI Team! 👍

Image result for drama mandatori novel
One of the scene in Mandatori.

p/s: I'm looking forward for next Mandatori (hehehe) and also drama adaptation from Raudhah novel (karya Ramlee Awang Murshid jugak). I don't know but I like the story of this novel.

2 January 2018

[Movie] Two Lights: Relúmĭno - 두개의 빛: 릴루미노

Image result for two light relumino

Hi there! Hehe. I just want to share something with you guys. Actually I was looking for something on Youtube just now (konon nak study tapi dugaan datang haha), and suddenly this 'advertisement' grab my attention. Well, maybe because of Park Hyung Sik hihi 😍

Anyway, I think its kind of a good short movie that you guys should watch. It is about a group of people with blindness in a photography club. I got to know some of the types of the blindness that existed, because before this I don't even know that there are different types of blindness. Also a little bit on their life. Though it just a short movie, but its really good and interesting story. I feel like I want to watch more huhu.

And so, that's why I decided to share here to you guys to watch for a while this short movie because I think its worth. I don't know about others, but I know mine. 😊

I have put the video down there so, tengok tauu ! Hehe. (kalau tak boleh ke kecik ke apa, klik gambar atas tu okay 😉)



While Insoo was gradually loosing his vision as well as the light of life, meets Sooyoung, a bright and confident woman in a photography club. Will they be able to open their hearts to each other?

Happy watching guys! 😎

p/s: sis tengah final sebenarnya tapi sempat jugak update blog pasal ni lol haha. excited pulak rasa.

1 January 2018


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And so selamat tinggal 2017 yang penuh bermakna. Masa begitu cepat berlalu dan dalam tak sedar, 2017 telah sampai ke hujungnya dan bertemu pula kita dengan 2018.

Banyak kenangan dan memori pahit manis masam masin semua rasa lah yang ada sepanjang tahun 2017.

Antara perkara yang utamanya adalah apabila ibu dan ayah dapat menunaikan haji pada tahun ini. To me, I think that was the significant one. Masa itu jugaklah kami adik beradik kena menguruskan diri masing-masing, looking for each other, and also looking for my little brother who was 9 years old (now new year masuk 10 years old la). Kami saling bergantung to each other, and also to our relatives.

And also, on 2017, I'm already experienced the chaos situation in my life, in my second year of study. Penghujung sem 3 ni la masa kebaraian melanda bertubi-tubi sampai otak rasa macam dah tepuuuuu gilaaa !! (Maybe thats why agak kurang sikit benda kat blog aku ni hehe). Then, study week seminggu (in which memang aku cuti betul seminggu tu hahaha tak study hapeee). Next sem kemungkinan besar zaman kebaraian second wave akan melanda lagi hahahaha !

And so, tomorrow is the starting of my first paper of the finalssss. Pray for me and my friends ! Thank you ! Much love 💖💖

So, this entry aku tak mau panjang-panjang sangat. Aku, Nufaa aka ain mohon maaf andai ada salah silap terkasar bahasa terguris hati, harap dimaafkan. Kosong kosong yew hehe.

Semoga tahun ni lebih baik daripada tahun sebelumnya. Perbaharui niat dan semangat untuk sama-sama kita ubah ke arah yang lebih baik okay 😉

Dan jangan lupa tunaikan azam korang zaman lepas-lepas yang tak tercapai tu tau! 😌

People change because they want to. But change in a proper way, and halal way.

Yeay! 😎

P/s: kalau rajin dan baik hati, boleh la share kenangan paling best korang masa 2017 :)

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