

26 May 2015

Aku Sibuk Laa..

Alhamdulillah, hari ini masih berkesempatan lagi aku nak update blog menambah entri baru. Well, as you guys see pada tajuk tu (haa, mata tu pergi tengok tajuk kat atas la tuu..hihi), okey takyah tengok atas ye. Memandangkan hari ini tajuknya 'Aku Sibuk Laa..' , memang macam aneh pula. Lala, sibuk sangat... Haha. Okey2, terus masuk apa yang aku nak cakap la eh.

Well, as you guys know sekarang ni memang time berduyun-duyun pelajar lepasan spm 2014 ni sibuk. Sibuk apa? Nak masuk u la you alls.. Now most of my friends had already be a college student. Some of them in Darul Quran, in Matrics, in USIM, UIA, UMS and others. But a few of them will register quite late because its depends on university or college they will go. Maybe about 10, less or more of them who got scholarship from JPA-MARA and MARA and also under their own scholarship. One of my friends will further her studies in Italy because her family will imigrate there this May. One more will go to the Turkey, and the others they will have like a preparation studies before they further their studies in overseas such as UK, US, India and Jordan. Well I think I don't really remember which country they will fly soon actually. So hopefully they could give the best and success in whatever they do. Pray for me as well, hope I have a chance to study oversea too especially in Australia (it had been my dream to go there ^^ ).

As for me, this really really early June which is 1st of June I will register myself as a student of PALAM. Aiyoo... What's that? That's actually a shortform for UiTM Puncak Alam. Well soon I will be a student of UiTM Puncak Alam. Woww. Even I haven't register as a student there, but a group of whatsapp of this palam had already exist. So if we, the palamians-to-be have any questions regarding the college or anything about registration, we can ask the seniors in the group. InsyaAllah, they will answer all the questions you asked. But don't ask a very very unlogical question. 

But mostly of the members of this group are the members who will study foundation which are the foundation in sciences and foundation in engineering. And me, foundation in sciences. Well, this group was really really helping us, the juniors. And also this group had helping us in finding friends whether in the same course, same school, same name or whatever same. Maybe same face, who knows.

Lalala, why I think what I've said above doesn't had any related to the post title? Daaaa... Not related Cik Nufaz. Okay so actually what I really want to say to you guys is maybe after this blog will be quite 'krik krik' because I will be a student again. Almost one week I will  have an orientation week which is called MDS, Minggu Destini Siswa. They said maybe it will be quite tiring, of course la. And they said too, maybe wave 1 which means those who register on the first day, 1st june like me have a quite prepared schedule. Okay means jadual yang agak teratur than second wave. 

Naaa, its like we've run from the topic again. Wait, mana ada lari tajuk. I just explain it clearly. So InsyaAllah if I don't really 'busy' with my mds I will update the story with you guys. But if I was really really busy I'm so sorry and InsyaAllah I will update it after the mds  finish, as soon as possible. 

Okay guys, that's all for today. I'm really sorry if I hurt your heart, if I talk write harshly, or anything please don't keep it on your heart. Just tell me. If you keep what you are not satisfied with me, it will just make your heart hurts. So don't keep it but just burst it out, okay? Thank you guys for reading and if you have any comments, just jot it down on the comment box below. Leave your comment there. Thank you =)

p/s: tetiba hari ni nak speaking pulak aii. English aku ntah pape je. Maaf la yee. Kalau ada yang kureng paham ni pandai2 la google translate sendiri. Hihi. 

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